Become a member

Join the Founders' Company to make new connections, support education and research, participate in enriching events, and preserve historical traditions while contributing to societal and industrial advancements

There are a number of reasons why we would love you to think about becoming a Founder.

Think it’s not for you? Read the FAQs and we hope you will change your mind!

  • The Company is run by its Court and its Master and various Committees, backed by ancient charters and governing documents.

    The Court comprises senior members of the Company, of whom the most senior are the Master (the titular head of the Company on an annual basis) and the two Wardens (Upper and Under) who are in line to become Master in the years ahead.

    The Committees report to the Court and have various terms of reference to recommend operational and strategic decisions for the Company, including charitable allocations, which are then brought to the Court for ratification.

    It is possible to be on a Committee but not yet to have joined the Court. The Clerk is the engine driver of the Company and Court and Committees.

    Click here to see more about our Governance Structure

  • There are three ways to become a member of the Founders: by redemption where you are introduced by a member; by apprenticeship whereby an individual is mentored through the joining process by a member who acts as a mentor or guide (the more usual route for younger individuals); and by patrimony (i.e. being a child of an existing member).

    You will probably have become acquainted with the Founders via a friend or colleague who is a member.

    Since we are a fellowship of people from many walks of life, we like you to come to a few Founders events before applying, so some members will have got to know you first.

  • New Freemen Progression Timetable

    The Company will allocate a member of Court to be your mentor for the first two years to help you through the various processes

    1. Within the first three months we would expect you to be familiar with the role of the Master, Wardens, Court, Clerk and the Clerk’s Office and some of the charitable activities that the Company supports. You will be encouraged to make a regular donation to one of the Company’s charities. All donations, small and large, are welcome – currently regular giving varies from £7.50 per month to £200 per month.

    2. Within the first six months you will have more understanding of what you might contribute to the Company and made this known to the Clerk and your mentor. You will have attended at least one event organised by the Company.

    3. Within the first year you will have attended at least two events (dinners etc) where you will become acquainted with other members of the Company. If not one already you will have applied to become a Freeman of the City of London (there is generally a long lead time to book a slot so the earlier you start this process the better). If convenient you will have attended the Company’s Common Hall meeting. You will have attended one of the City of London briefings for Freemen on the role of the City and its constituent parts.

    You will have attended one City event (e.g. United Guilds Service or a lunch where other Livery Companies are present at the Hall).

    4. Within the second year you will have obtained your Freedom of the City of London and will have applied to join the full livery. You will continue to attend at least two events at the hall and to take part in at least one other event (e.g. industrial visit) to gain an understanding of the trade or our charitable activities or a visit to our Armed Services affiliates.

    5. After year two you will ask to become a full member of the Livery and expected to attend at least two dinners per year, and where possible attend one of the Master’s spring tours or other tours.

    6. As an active member after a few years you may be asked to consider becoming a Steward which is the first step to possibly joining the Court.

    If you need further advice either your mentor or the Clerk’s office can advise on any aspect of being a member of the Company. While the above may sound very prescriptive we want you to be an active member of the Company within your own personal circumstances. We are very flexible and know that circumstances change (e.g. family and work commitments such as an overseas posting).

  • Freeman’s Fine

    The fine to become a Freeman of the Company is £750 (incl. VAT)

    This is a one-off fine, paid before you are sworn in. This fine is discounted by 50% for those who have not yet reached their 41st birthday.

    Receiving the Freedom of the City of London

    Joining the Livery

    There is no fine to join the Livery, instead the Livery pay £600 (Incl. VAT) per year, paid quarterly.

    Fines and quarterly payments are discounted by 50% by all members who have not yet reached their 41st birthday

  • We currently have members of the Freedom and Livery who range in age from 20 all the way to 93!

  • There are various stages of becoming a member.


    If you received a bursary/scholarship or any other philanthropic support from the Founders’ Company, you may be eligible for our Artisan membership. Please go to the dedicated section of our website to find out more.


    Initially you will become a Freeman of the Company after a short informal interview and confirmation by the Court, and you will have to attend a Court meeting to be “Sworn-In” as a Freeman.

    You will be presented by the Clerk of the Company who will read the commitment in quaint English and your only response will be “I so swear.” You will then be introduced to the Master and the Court.

    Being a Freeman allows you to take part in many activities but not the full range on offer. It derives from the custom where Freemen of old could offer their trade services to anyone but could not take on apprentices or employ others.

    Freeman of the City of London

    Once you are a Freeman of the Company you are eligible to apply for the Freedom of the City of London. Click here to find out more.


    Once you are both a Freeman of the Company and of the City of London you can, if you wish, apply to become a Liveryman. To do this you will need to contact the Clerk who will put your name forward to the membership committee.

    Again, there is a short interview, and confirmation by the Court, and attendance at a Court meeting to be “cloathed” formally in the Livery gown.


    Those who wish to participate and commit more fully to the company’s activities can be asked to become Stewards.


    Court is the Company’s governing body, and the members of Court are called ‘Court Assistants’.

    Only Stewards can be invited to join the Court, either as ‘Probationary Assistants’ (serving a term of three years) or as Court Assistants (those who, in time, will expect to become Wardens and eventually Master).

  • Becoming a Liveryman is intended to be for life and joining the Company is not like joining a sports or social club. It is a commitment.

    Of course, life circumstances dictate change throughout our respective journeys, and withdrawal from the Livery is not unknown, one always retains the Freedom, but we hope that commitment to the Livery remains a constant for all our members as we move through life.

  • There are currently about 100 Freemen and about 160 Liverymen in our Company. We have a family spirit at all our gatherings and all our new Freemen and Liverymen are made to feel welcome to our special band.

  • Like life in general for the Founders: you reap what you sow. The more you put in to being a member of the Company, whether it be serving on a committee or visiting schools or mentoring students, the more you get out of being a member of the Company.

    Your professional experience, whether in our hot metal trades or any other guise, will always be useful to the Company to support other committees such as Finance and Property.

    Apart from our own Hall in Cloth Fair (our 5th hall in our history since 1365), the Company owns a modest property portfolio of offices and residential flats and our charitable funds now also own and manage a training centre and the Brunel Centre in Bedford.

  • Being part of an ancient, active and diverse fellowship has its own rewards given the informal way we conduct ourselves. In addition to the various dinners during the year, there are sports teams (including rowing in the Founder’s boat on the Thames – the Belle Founder – for the more energetic), Historical Group, industrial and other visits such as to an art foundry, a university department or further afield such as to CERN in Geneva.

    Each year there is a Spring Tour chosen and led by the Master (normally in the UK one year and in mainland Europe the next). These are 3-4 days when Founders and their partners can really get to know each other. There is also a biennial wine tour for which there is great competition to join.

    Other events taking place in the hall include industry briefings, small scale concerts and theatre. Most of these events are open to both Freemen and Liverymen but the Spring Tour and some of the dinners are for the Livery only.

    However, if you are asking the question “what can I get out of being a member?” you may need to think again about joining. We are not a slick members’ organisation such as a London Club but we seek to do our best by members giving freely of their talents and time to the benefit of all.

Some of our newest members